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Skylaunch A Leader In Glider Winching Systems

Skylaunch: A Leader in Glider Winching Systems

Unwavering Service and Unparalleled Reputation

At Skylaunch, we take immense pride in our commitment to providing exceptional service and support to our valued customers. With over three decades of experience, we have established a formidable reputation as a trusted manufacturer of glider and sailplane winching systems.

Global Presence and Proven Performance

Our winches stand as testaments to our unwavering dedication to quality and innovation. From Germany to the United Kingdom, our winches have earned a global reputation for reliability and efficiency. Our loyal clientele includes renowned organizations such as the RAF, British Army, Royal Navy, and countless gliding clubs worldwide.

Our flagship glider winches, the EVO ELECTRO, EVO, ECO, and UNO, cater to every club's budgetary needs and operational requirements. We are committed to delivering tailored solutions that empower our customers to soar to new heights.

Skylaunch is more than just a winch manufacturer; we are a team of passionate experts dedicated to advancing the field of gliding. Our unwavering commitment to service, innovation, and excellence sets us apart as a trusted partner for gliding clubs and aviation enthusiasts alike.
