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Bbc Investigation

Shark Attacks: Why They Happen

BBC Investigation

In recent years, there have been an increasing number of shark attacks in Egypt. In 2022 alone, three people have been killed by sharks in the Red Sea. This has led to fears that the waters off Egypt are becoming more dangerous for swimmers and tourists.

A new documentary from the BBC investigates the reasons why sharks are attacking humans more frequently. The film, titled "Why Sharks Attack," features interviews with shark experts and survivors of shark attacks. It also examines the latest scientific research on shark behavior.

What the Experts Say

According to the experts interviewed in the film, there are several factors that may be contributing to the increase in shark attacks. These include:

  • The overfishing of sharks, which has led to a decrease in their natural prey.
  • The increase in human activity in shark habitats, such as swimming, surfing, and fishing.
  • Climate change, which is causing the oceans to warm and acidify, which can make sharks more aggressive.

The film also highlights the fact that shark attacks are still relatively rare. However, the experts warn that the risk of being attacked by a shark is increasing, and that it is important to take precautions when swimming in areas where sharks are known to live.
